
What he saw today

Everyday or so, he sketches fashionistas, hipsters, and other instant celebrities on whatever support he can put his hands on: paper, newspapers, envelopes... We love.
Not so Sneaky
We love them for their classic design, because they're produced in Africa with African materials - Cameroon, Egypt, Tunisia & Nigeria (and because their website is dope)
Feiyue Shoes
We love them because they were born in China, grew up in France and have now spread all around the world
To Have + To Hold
Jony Lyle's new documentary, To Have + To Hold celebrates and explores the phenomenon of collecting Vinyl. Interview
To Have & To Hold - Taster Tape from Jony Lyle on Vimeo.
submiT is about bringing people with vision together to create something that will cut through the cultural noise like a knife.
Their voice will be your designs. Shirts will be their medium.
submiT is about raising awareness of childhood education in Ethiopia through the work of imagine1day. Their goal is to have education available for every child in Ethopia by 2020.
Check out their website for more information: imagine1day.org
They're looking for SubmiTTions.
Of Samurais and Girls
From the Club to the Streets
Bold & Beautiful
Open House: La Remise
Welcome to 'La Remise' an ultra chic B&B located in the heart of Amsterdam. With its ultra modern design, and its exclusive feel [there's only 3 guestrooms: The Chambre Blanche, The Chambre Sud & The Chambre Nord] this intimate but yet very urban gateway takes the B&B experience to another level.
Ice, Ice, Baby
This re-branding project was conducted by Truly Deep, back in 2009 and perfectly illustrate the motto of brand 'what dreams taste like.'
WARNING: This award winning creamy delight are is only available in Australia
Guest of a Guest

Bling maker Rachel Dhawan- of Brazen Design fame- invited us to guest blog on 'Thing That Go Bling'. On May 1 &2 we travelled along The Main as part of the Open Doors Design Montreal. We loved what we saw.
Designer's Dream Child
Jewellery designer and illustrator meets accessories designer to form Abigail Ryan Housewares. This his and hers team, Abigail Percy and Ryan Bell, created a gorgeous line of hand-printed fabrics. The Belfast fabric studio specializes in homewares (mostly tea towels and cushions) printed on %100 Irish linen and %100 cotton.
From Paris ...
Montreal-based designer Paule Marie Assandre takes us on an Parisian escapade with this new collection for her clothing line 'Nikaule'. Launched in 2007, the line which gives you West African traditional themes 'a la mode' is sure to please the most glamorous urban fashionistas.
© Photos: Shawny Kevin Smitters